WELCOME TO FREETEK4U, your guide to getting high-tech goods for FREE!

The aim of this site is to help you gain technology items, such as PS3, iPod, iPhone, XBox360, Desktop PCs, Macbooks etc for FREE.
Companies can pay for your gift because when you complete an offer, you become a potential customer, and this is something very valuable to them, easily worth an iPod or iPhone.
At no point will you ever need to spend money!
So please enjoy this guide and I hope it helps you get yourself some free tech!
Just click on HOME - Start Here!

Creator of FreeTek4U (freetek4u@yahoo.com)

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Getting Referrals

This is the continuation of my advice on how to get referrals.

1)Join getref if you haven't done already.
Read my previous post about it or join here :

2)Get your friends to help you
Now in theory this should be the easiest way of getting referrals. But it depends how many friends you have and how skeptical they are! If you live in halls at uni, getting your flat mates and neighbours to sign-up under you isn't too difficult. Students love free stuff! Also they're part of a tech generation and now how to use the internet to do their research. Most of the friends that joined for me were friends from university. Also, students have 2 sets of friends in general. Their uni ones, and friends from home. This means there network is large and they won't compete with each other for referrals!
Now a lot of your friends are going to be skeptical. If you can, get them to have a look at this blog, help them do their research. What you'll find is a lot of them want proof. You can show them all the success videos and stories you want but some will still be skeptical. This moves me onto my next tip

3)Do a small offer first
If you're having problems getting referrals, I would suggest complete an offer that only takes 2-3 referrals, such as an iPod shuffle. This way you get some hard proof to show to your friends. If they are still not convinced then give up on them because there is nothing more you can show them. They cannot grasp basic economics and refuse to believe their eyes and friends.

4)Create your own website
Well you're on mine aren't you! You have 2 options here. You can pay for a domain (if you don't have one already) or you can create a free one. Now the advantage to registering your own domain is that you look more professional. However I haven't done this because I don't ever want to pay anything! Now I'm not trying to brand myself as a company. I'm being completely honest that I'm one guy that wants to help you get your free gifts. Many have helped me do it. Therefore a blog is more suitable for me. Its far more personal, and I genuinely will be here to help you.
Now once you've got your own site, makesure this is your 'base of operations'. This is where you want all of your information to be because this is where you are going to send everybody. Don't post your referral link all around the internet. Post your website address. Its easy for people to ignore ref links because there is that many flying around its nothing new to them. But if your reading this far down it means you are interested in what I'm saying! Also, when displaying in other places, people remember webaddresses, but there not going to remember your ref link number are they?

5) Use forums or online communities
How many of you are members of some forum or community. Now you have a signature on these. Its a great place to advertise your website. Don't post a ref link on them as its against many forum's ToS. Chances are several of the members will click on it and visit your site! Also don't join these places just to get refs. Its a waste of time. Join forums you enjoy, and if you feel it appropriate mention that you know how to get a free iPod or something and that your website will tell them how. You don't want to be a spammer.

6) Social Networking Sites
As I have mentioned in another post, these are great places to promote your site. You have a lot of friends on these. Facebook, myspace, yuwie. They are all full of vibrant young people. Now I'm guessing that you're a 16-30 year old. You are probably male. And you like technology. Of course I could easily be wrong, but this is your target audience and you'll find its the same sort of people that use social networking sites. Again, don't spam!

7) Youtube and other video sites
Youtube is incredibly effective. As long as you make your videos personal. I'm betting many of you have found this blog from youtube. Now I originally made a youtube vid with just text and a song and it just looked generic and untrustworthy (even though its not) because there are so many like that around. Chances are you've heard me speaking on the next video I did. I wanted to do it as a video, but I'm not that good looking, and I couldn't get the video and audio to sync properly. But did you notice how more open you were to it? Because I am personally telling you something. I've taken the time to record a message. I want people to know who I am and I will eventually get a pic of me on here (when I find a good one!). Again though, just use these video sites to drive people towards your own site.

8)Get your website link in the real world
Now a lot of people just try to get refs by asking their mates and trying to get the online community to help. Theres a whole world out their that can visit your website! Put your website link in the back of your car. Write the link in papers that you find inn pubs and on the train. Get it in as many places as you can. Write it on money! Think about how many times notes(bills if your American) get handed around, just put your link on them. Its free advertising! Leave business cards lying around. Use flyers. Use your imagination!

9)Traffic Exchanges
You can use traffic exchanges to increase the page rank of your website. Basically you visit other peoples sites to get credits to spend on people seeing yours. Now many of these people will not even read your website, but you are increasing traffic to your site. This can boost you with several search engines, and there is a chance some people will actually stop to look at your site.
I recommend trafficera. Join here :

10)Complete offers for other people
If you are still struggling you can offer to do other peoples offers in exchange for them doing yours. This requires a certain ammount of trust though, so do be careful if you choose this.

Well thanks for reading guys. If you need any advice, or have any ideas I could put up here, please e-mail me at freetek4u@yahoo.com, or leave me a message on one of my videos.

Thanks ,
Tom, freetek4u

GetRef and getting referrals

This is the first section in my how to get referalls guide. If you want referalls then the first things you should do is sign up to getref!


Now I'll explain a little bit to you how it works!

There are many other people just like you on there! Thing is they want referrals for other programmes. Some a lot easier than getting free gifts! So here's what you do. You sign up to getref using the banner. You do some offers for using the earn credits link. Only do offers that you can complete. I suggest doing PTC's (under paid to read e-mail). Once you've done a day or so of ad-clicking (Like for a 10 mins, not actually all day clicking ads, you'll see what I mean its easy) the other user will give you some credits.
Once you've got enough credits its time to use them to get refs for your program! Easy peasy. Also its a really great community with fantastic people that will help you, as will I!

Theres also the option to refer people to this. Its also worth doing as you also get creds when they complete offers! Or you can buy credits if you're feeling lazy, but as I always maintain we are trying to do all this without spending money!

You can also get credits by clicking on links.

So stop by and join a community where everyone helps everyone else out. It will be the best step you take into getting the referrals you need!

I'll be here at freetek4u@yahoo.com or under facebookgod at getref if you need help and advice with it. Good luck and enjoy using this fantastic site. You'll end up making some friends aswell!

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Social Networking

Social networking sites can be a great way to get referrals. Particularly amongst students. It was as a student that I first started doing these free gift offers. Facebook was originally set up just for students. I joined it when you still needed an academic e-mail account!

Now I'm sure many of you reading this already use facebook or myspace. How much time do you spend just mindlessly browsing around, looking at friends photos, sending and posting messages.
Now imagine you'd been paid for everytime you do that. How much would you have made.
Well there is a revolutionary new social network site out. Yuwie has been rapidly increasing over the past year and is set to be the next biggest hit.
To join click http://www.yuwie.com/yuwie.asp?r=723649&vid=

I've got myself a fair few referrals from this site for my free offers, and I'm making money whilst doing it. It really is brilliant!

So if you want something new and refreshing check it out!

Monday, 14 July 2008

PTC sites

During my quest to get free free gadgets, I signed up for getref, a place where you can find people to be your referrals. If you haven't signed up there yet click on the banner below to go there. Its completely free and will help you getting any extra referrals you need

Whilst being on getref, I discovered pay-to-click sites (ptc for short), and signed up to one for someone to get some getref credits. You sign up for these and you get $0.01 (on average) for every ad-link you view plus whatever your referrals view. Now I'm not going to claim these are get rich quick schemes, but they can produce a decent bit of pocket money for very little effort, or you can focus on them and easily get a decent ammount each month.

There easy to use and are a good little time filler for when you are bored! They pay out through pay-pal and alert-pay, so if you have one of those great, if you don't they're free and easy to set-up.

I highly suggest you join these if you want a bit of extra money. Also, the longer you use and the more referrals you get, the more money you get.

Below are the ones I currently use, so if you are interested feel free to click on them and have a look! Some are run by the same people, so thats why some of them look the same! And for some reason they all have bux in them.

$0.01 per click, $0.01 per referral click, $10.00 minimum cashout

$0.01 per click, $0.01 per referral click, $10.00 minimum cashout

$0.01 per click, $0.01 per referral click, $10.00 minimum cashout

$0.01 per click, $0.01 per referral click, $10.00 minimum cashout

$0.01 per click, $0.005 per referral click, $2.00 minimum cashout

$0.015 per click, $0.01 per referral click, $10.00 minimum cashout


$0.01 per click, $0.005 per referral click, $5.00 minimum cashout

$0.01 per click, $0.01 per referral click, $10.00 minimum cashout


$0.01 per click, $0.01 per referral click, $5.00 minimum cashout

Sunday, 13 July 2008


So here are a selection of videos found on Youtube. They include a selection of news reports from the bbc, nbc etc, andof users that have successfully completed their offers! If you feel the need to see these there here to view, and its always smart to do your research. I know like me you're not an idiot, and I hope this can finally show you that these do work, otherwise so many of us wouldn't do them. I myself have already got a PS3 from FJ, and I'll be putting a video up of that later when I film my video series. Also I'll show you the wine I got sent from Virgin for completing an offer!
If after this you are still not convinced then all I can say is that you're going to miss out on a fabulous offer! There's no risk as its all free!
But if you've got your thinking cap on and want to talk full advantage of this go to the freebies page and pick one!

Saturday, 12 July 2008


Now many of my friends tried to convince me it was a scam when I started trying to get free stuff. Then I did my free PS3 and that finally convinced them that it works and is not a scam, but they couldn't get their heads around the business model.

For some strange, unknown reason people are unaware of the business models that all these giveaway sites use. Because people don't understand the concept, they immediately brand it as a scam, which I and many others can vouch that it isn't. Technically the business model is known as Viral Marketing (wikipedia it), and is a term used to describe the advertisement through word or mouth, whether it be though a geographical location or a society. Its a model that has been around for a very long time, but has only really gained momentum within the USA. Viral Marketing is slowly creeping to our British shores!
Below is a step by step guide to how the business model works. It also shows how these giveaway companies receive enough money to get you your free item, as well as make a clear profit.

Step 1) Giveaway companies get you to sign up to their website, and register your details. You are then asked to complete an offer. Some of these offers are free, and some of the offers cost around £5 or £10. The offers that are free will be trail offers. You wont be charged a penny unless you decide to stay with the service after the designated time.

Step 2) When you sign up and complete your offer, the company who you have completed the offer for will know that you clicked on a link from one of the giveaway sites. Because they now have your business, or the possibility of your future business, they will have made a profit. E.g. If you sign up, with no obligation, to the two week free trial of LOVEFiLM, then the company has the possibility of your future business. This could include a years subscription to the service, or item purchased directly.

Step 3) The giveaway site and the companies which you complete offers for have a contract of employment between each other. The ‘Offer’ companies agree that they will pay the giveaway companies a certain amount of money per sign up. Lets call the amount £15..

Step 4) In order for you to earn your iPod (or other gift) you need to get around 7 people to sign up under your referral link. This means that you will be generating £100’s of pounds to the offers companies, and well over a £100 to the giveaway companies. The ‘Offers’ companies make a profit, the giveaway sites make a profit, and you get your gift. Its that simple...

click here

For more in depth info check out





This is where you can pick which freebie you want! Just click on the one you want! Still not convinced? Then check out the proof page!

iPod - Touch 32GB - Classic 160GB - Nano 4GB - Shuffle 2GB

Without doubt, the 'Free iPod' is the most sought after freebie out there. Gratis Internet can probably claim to be one of the founding fathers behind the freebie giveaway phenomenon, and it was hugely down to the desire for the old 4GB Mini's and the 20GB Classics. Many people thought the price of the iPods were way to steep. This created a huge market for Gratis to fill. To date, Gratis profits are in exceed of $20 million. To get your iPod click the link!

Nintendo Wii and Wii Fit

A distinguishing feature of the console is its wireless controller, the Wii Remote, which can be used as a handheld pointing device and can detect acceleration in three dimensions. Many eXceemers claim that they have never had so much fun on a console. And now Wii fit to help you work on your body while having fun!. To get your free Wii, simply click the link above, register, and complete an offer.

*NEW* iPhone 3G 16GB!

The hottest newest piece of kit available. Just released on July 11th this is THEE must have gadget and now with 3G capability

PS3, XBOX360 Elite and Games!

Gaming doesn't look better than this! The most powerful consoles ever built! If you want them you know what to do! Clicky clicky!

Sony Bravia 42" HDTV

Probably the highest quality TV available on the market. And one of the most expensive! To get it for FREE click the pic!

MacBook Air" HDTV

This amazing laptop is incredibly light and thin. This is the pinacle of high-spec notebook technology.

click here to see even more,
or here if you still don't see what you want!

HOME - Start here!

1) Pick Your Free Gift
Everything you see in this site is free. The only problem your going to have, is deciding which one to go for first. Are you a music junkie? Fancy getting your hands on an iPod Touch, or the 16GB iPhone? Maybe the xBox 360, Nintendo Wii, or the PS3 is more your style?

So go to the freebies page and click on the item you want! Fill in the registration form and then you're ready to move onto step2, completing an offer!

2) Complete An Offer
You can't claim your freebie until you have completed an offer, so many people regard this as the most important parts of the process. This is probably true, because once you have completed your offer, you over halfway to getting your freebie!
Make sure you go through the links listed on the websites offers page. Offers include a totally free, no obligation trial of LOVEFiLM. With this offer, all you need to do is sign up for the 2 week free trial, and rent 1 DVD within this time. If movies aren't for you, check out the bookies offers. They match your deposit with a free bet so pick a game with only a win or lose outcome and equally bet on either outcome! Whatever happens you'll be making money!

3) Refer your Friends and Family

Once you have completed your offer you need to get people to sign up through your own referral link. Get your family and friends to help you out by showing them the Proof Page.
Also, don't forget to check out eXceem for hints and tips on getting people to sign up under your referral link. It wont be too long before you have everyone you need!
Once you have referred enough people press the order button and within a few days, your freebie will be at your door.

So in short!

1)Pick your gift

2)Complete the offer

3)Refer your friends